SimPad용 무료 시나리오를 다운로드하는 방법
코로나바이러스감염증(COVID-19)은 병원, 응급의료서비스, 장기요양시설에 큰 부담을 주는 건강관리 위기를 초래했습니다.
Laerdal Medical은 파트너들과 협력하여 COVID-19에 대비할 수 있도록 시뮬레이션 시나리오를 제작하여 제공합니다.
이 시나리오는 토론토 응급의사 아카데미의 Drs. Alia Dharamsi, SooJin Yi, Kate Hayman가 만들었습니다. Laerdal은 LLEAP 소프트웨어를 사용하여 시나리오를 프로그래밍 하였습니다. 시나리오 파일은 SimPad 또는 LLEAP에서 자동모드를 사용하여 조작 할 수 있습니다.
COVID-19 감염의심 시나리오 by EM Sim Cases: Preprogrammed for LLEAP Scenario | 시나리오 다운로드
COVID-19 감염의심 시나리오 by EM Sim Cases: Preprogrammed for SimPad | 시나리오 다운로드
COVID-19 감염의심 시나리오 by EM Sim Cases: Theme for LLEAP | 테마 다운로드
COVID-19 감염의심 시나리오 by EM Sim Cases: Theme for SimPad | 테마 다운로드
In this scenario a 28-year-old woman in active labor has just arrived at the labor ward. The woman is persistently coughing, feels warm, and is generally showing mild symptoms of Covid-19. She has regular and intensive contractions and birth is imminent. Upon arrival, the woman was triaged and moved with her partner to a birthing suite under isolation. The simulation will start when the woman is about to give birth in the delivery room. She is observed coughing and with a febrile appearance, but no physical assessment has been done.
Learning objectives
After simulation the participants should be able to:
응급실에서 발열, 기침, 컨디션 불량을 보이는 55세 남성 환자의 시나리오입니다. 1주일전에 COVID-19가 유행하고 있는 지역에서의 여행에서 돌아왔습니다. 선별진료소에서 먼저 그를 즉시 검사하고 격리하였습니다.
학습자는 장비 준비, 개인보호구(PPE) 착용, 환자평가, 자택검역으로의 이동, 환자교육, 전문가팀과의 효과적인 커뮤니케이션, 모든 환자에 대한 표준감염 예방책의 실시, 장비와 개인보호구(PPE)를 안전하게 폐기할 수 있습니다.
이 시나리오는 내원예정이던, COVID-19 감염이 의심되는 71세 남성의 시나리오입니다. 환자는 고열, 기침, 흉통 및 호흡곤란을 호소하며 의료상담 콜센터에 연락을 취했습니다. 9일 전에 만났던 아들이 신종코로나바이러스감염증-19에 양성반응이 확인되었습니다. 병력으로는 2형 당뇨병 및 만성 간질환이 있습니다.
학습자는 장비준비, 개인보호구(PPE) 착용, 환자평가, 산소투여, 정맥채혈, 간이 엑스레이 지시, 집중치료실(ICU) 또는 모니터가 가능한 급성호흡기부서에 대한 선별심사, 환자교육, 전문가팀과 효과적인 커뮤니케이션, 모든 환자에 대한 표준감염 예방대책을 실시, 장비와 개인보호구(PPE)를 안전하게 폐기할 수 있습니다.
Made in partnership with IngMar Medical.
This scenario presents a 71-years-old male with suspected COVID-19 already admitted to the Emergency Department. The patient was admitted to 1 hour ago and is waiting for an Intensive care bed.
The participants are expected to assess and recognize deterioration in the patient's respiratory condition. They should appropriately increase ventilatory support while maintaining appropriate respiratory precautions., and recognize the need for intubation and ventilator support.
Learning objectives - After the simulation, the participants should be able to:
Made in partnership with IngMar Medical.
This scenario presents with a 71-years-old male with suspected COVID-19 who was admitted from the Emergency Department with Severe Acute Respiratory Infection (SARI). Over 4 hours ago he was transferred to the Intensive Care Unit in an isolation bay.
The participants are expected to assess the patient's work of breathing, identify respiratory dyssynchrony, perform respiratory interventions and recognize the need for sedation to maximize the ventilation for the patient. The participants should communicate with the patient and follow isolation protocols including donning and doffing PPE for contact precaution.
Learning objectives:
Made in partnership with IngMar Medical.
This scenario presents a 71-years-old male with diagnosed COVID-19, who was triaged from the Emergency Department and transferred to the Intensive Care Unit in an isolation bay two days ago.
The participants are expected follow isolation protocols, including PPE for contact precaution. They should assess the patient’s saturation status, discuss proper respiratory treatment and recognize the need for turning the patient into a prone position. The participants should delegate roles, utilize closed-loop communication and successfully turn the sedated and paralyzed patient in one movement.
NOTE: This scenario contains an optional alternative partway with accidental extubation of the patient while turning him to prone position. The participants should then recognize the unintentional emergency incident and act immediately by reversing the patient to supine position, apply cricoid pressure, reintubate the patient and reconnect to a ventilator.
Learning objectives:
In this scenario, the participants will encounter a patient, who has collapsed in the hallway of the local university. During simulation, he experiences a cardiac arrest with a non-shockable rhythm. The participant should don Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) according to guidelines prior to patient interaction and the team should consider how to limit the use of aerosol generating procedures during resuscitation. After ROSC, the participants should consider transport the hospital and driving personnel should doff PPE according to guidelines.
학습 목표:
이 시나리오와 사용가능:
In this scenario, the participants will encounter a patient with suspected Covid-19 who collapses during a visit to the local grocery. During simulation he experiences a cardiac arrest with a shockable rhythm. The participant should don Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) according to guidelines prior to patient interaction and the team should consider how to limit the use of aerosol generating procedures during resuscitation. After ROSC, the participants should consider transport to the hospital and driving personnel should doff PPE according to guidelines.
학습 목표:
이 시나리오와 사용가능:
In this scenario, the participants will encounter a patient who is home-quarantined with suspected Covid-19. During the simulation the patient will experience a cardiac arrest with a non-shockable rhythm.
The participant should don Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) according to guidelines prior to patient interaction and the team should consider how to limit the use of aerosol generating procedures during resuscitation. After ROSC, the participants should consider transport to the hospital and driving personnel should doff PPE according to guidelines.
학습 목표:
이 시나리오와 사용가능: