What’s New in Resuscitation
Live Product Showcase Webinar
Join us for a virtual live product showcase featuring our newest resuscitation solutions. During this 45-minute live event, you will have the opportunity to:
- Get an in-depth look at our newest solutions designed for training HP-CPR teams and professional first responder CPR skills.
- Learn how our solutions can help you adapt training and meet the latest guidelines.
- Ask questions to the presenter that will be answered live during the Q&A.
New Resuscitation Training Solutions
Zoll Adapted Training Pads
The new ShockLink training pads have the look and feel of the Zoll clinical/training pads and include Laerdal LINK technology.
TeamReporter is a video-based app specifically designed for high-performance CPR training.
Resusci Junior QCPR Airway Kit
A simple do-it-yourself upgrade kit for adding more advanced airway training capabilities to Resusci Junior QCPR.
ShockLink Pediatric Rhythms
The ShockLink app has been redesigned to include rhythm and scenario selections for “Adult”, “Child”, and “Baby”.