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SimCapture for Medical Education

Help your students develop clinical competence


Shape the future with competent and confident physicians

Simulated training serves a dual purpose: providing students with the opportunity to train on various scenarios repeatedly and enabling instructors with observable evidence of
how students handle patient cases.

Discover how SimCapture helps achieve competency.


Request Demo

A 100% web-based, secured and integrated solution to:


Prepare students for clinical exams and EPAs


Optimize the management of clinical exams


Efficiently run OSCEs & parallel encounters


Support competency-based education

Discover how SimCapture can help you

Standardize and automate your clinical exams

Deliver consistent, high-quality simulation training

Record and debrief
any simulation

Get insights on learners' performance

Encourage peer-to-peer and individual practice

Streamline sim center management and boost ROI

Poproś o więcej informacji

Będziemy obchodzić się z Twoimi danymi zgodnie z zasadami opisanymi w Polityce Prywatności Laerdal.

Będziemy obchodzić się z Twoimi danymi zgodnie z zasadami opisanymi w Polityce Prywatności Laerdal.

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