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Respiratory Care Solutions

A complete platform for ventilation and respiratory care training

From basic to advanced

A comprehensive training solution 

Our Respiratory Care Solution is the only training program that offers everything you need to get learners up to speed quickly from basic to advanced ventilation management.

Unlike traditional simulation training, you don’t need sim-rooms, classrooms, or scheduled training sessions to start your program. This systematic step-by-step solution ensures competence and consistency and enables you to track progress along the way. 

Effective respiratory care training 

In 3 steps 

1. Prepare your learners

Give your learners the best start with Laerdal’s E-learning for Mechanical Ventilation. Supported by adaptive learning techniques, students can learn the basics anywhere at any time.

With pre and post video assessment, learners and instructors can track performance and progress, ensuring they’re ready for the next step in the training program. 

2. Build basic competence

Use the innovative virtual simulation app, TruVent, to teach ventilation management without the need for an actual ventilator or a simulator.

With TruVent, learners can gain the basic skills needed to operate a ventilator with ease. Instructors can train one or multiple learners at the same time, either in a class setting or remotely from different locations. 

3. Master advanced ventilation 

Integrate our breathing simulator with your patient simulator for high-fidelity ventilation management training in respiratory care, critical care, pulmonology, anesthesia, and emergency medicine.

With the ASL 5000 you can simulate any respiratory condition you may encounter on any ventilator in any mode and get your learners prepared for better patient care. 

A perfect solution for:

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New or novice healthcare professionals

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Reassigned or returning healthcare professionals

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Trainees in respiratory anesthesiology programs or ICU's


  • Time and resource effective
  • Build competence quickly -- from basic to advanced
  • Start your program at anytime, anywhere
  • Systematic step-by step-program to ensure consistency
  • Integrate into full simulations with high and mid-fidelity simulators ranging from adult to pediatric 


Cover every aspect of learning 

The Circle of Learning for Respiratory Care

Every stage of the Circle of Learning is integrated with our Respiratory Care Solution. From novice to experienced, the training grows with your learners needs.  
Starting with E-learning for building cognitive knowledge, virtual skills training and decision making for ventilation management, and through to advanced team training, this combined approach is a comprehensive solution that will provide learners with both competence and confidence. 

Tailored to your needs

Laerdal offers many complementary products that support respiratory care training such as airway management trainers, therapy products, SimCapture, Laerdal Scenario Cloud, and more. By combining these solutions to meet your training needs you can help learners gain confidence and build competencies in respiratory care at different levels. 

Don’t wait to get started. Learn more today. 

Contact us about Respiratory Solutions

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