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12-Lead Task Trainer

12-Lead Task Trainer

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Adult Male Upper Torso with anatomically accurate landmarks designed for twelve-lead training.Airway Management Skills

  • Oral/nasal/digital intubation
  • Right mainstem intubation
  • Oropharyngeal/nasopharyngeal airway insertion
  • Bag-valve-mask ventilation
  • Suctioning techniques
  • Manually generated cartoid pulse
  • Stomach auscultation to verify proper airway positioning
  • Abdominal thrust Maneuver may be performed
  • Closed chest compressions
Cardiac-Related Skills

  • Connection sites for four four limb leads and V1 through V6
  • Compatible with most 12-lead defibrillator/monitors
  • Defibrillation via hands free cables or paddles
  • Pacing with option to respond or fail to capture
  • Scenarios of up to five (5) ECG choices may be programmed with ability to step to next rhythm based on user input time frame or single button activation.

Twelve Lead Task Trainer Includes: Adult torso manikin with electronics, wired remote control, 'c' cell batteries, manikin lubricant, tank top, carry case and directions for use.

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