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Nordic Virtual SUN week 2021 - A way to support learning and engagement in remote simulation

Nordic Virtual SUN week

04-05-2021 Webinar

Tillsammans med våra nordiska kollegor vill vi gärna bjuda in er till en veckas virtuella lunchföreläsningar. Varje land arrangerar tillsammans med olika samarbetspartners en föreläsning. Temat kommer att variera men grunden är simulering som arbetsmetod. Du kan välja fritt om du vill delta på alla eller enstaka föreläsningar.

Då detta är ett nordiskt samarbete sker föreläsningarna på engelska. 


A way to support learning and engagement in remote simulation


Planning and delivering training via remote simulation requires new ways of facilitation tactics to best support learning and actively engaging all learners.

The ultimate target is to provide an optimal learning experience both for simulation participants and learners observing the simulation.

Case Kajaani shows a few concrete examples of how it is possible to support learning in remote simulation.

The webinar is held by:

Jukka Seppänen RN, MScN, Kajaani University of Applied Sciences, Finland.
He has been teaching at the nursing education for more than 10 years and has also gained clinical experience of working as a nurse in the Finnish Border Guard, and Juho Impivaara, Territory Manager, Laerdal Medical Finland.


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