Nordic Virtual SUN week 2021 - Situation Box (SiT box)
Nordic Virtual SUN week 2021
Tillsammans med våra nordiska kollegor vill vi gärna bjuda in er till en veckas virtuella lunchföreläsningar. Varje land arrangerar tillsammans med olika samarbetspartners en föreläsning. Temat kommer att variera men grunden är simulering som arbetsmetod. Du kan välja fritt om du vill delta på alla eller enstaka föreläsningar.
Då detta är ett nordiskt samarbete sker föreläsningarna på engelska.
Situation Box (SiT Box)
SiT Box is a training program designed to provide insight into how to resolve situations, the use of procedures and making decisions. You will experience how clinical "experts" would solve similar challenges or situations. You could work individually, or team up with a colleague and work your way through the case provided.
This can be used for all types of health care professionals, it will give you cognitive training and reflection on how to resolve situations that may occur.
The webinar is held by: Ørjan Undem
Ørjan is a senior facilitator and course developer at SAFER, a simulation center located in Norway, Stavanger. He also has a long experience of working pre-hospital.